Poem, 19 November 2018.
Bidding adieu –
An elaborate art in certain cultures
A never-ending process in others
And an instant vanishing act in some.
For someone like me
Caught between cultures
Farewell rituals offer a very interesting insight
Into cultural disposition and interaction.
Mandatory kisses seem to be the done thing
Among southern Europeans and Latin Americans.
True or simulated pecks on both cheeks.
One, two, or three kisses
Depending on the culture and the relationship.
These could be accompanied by warm hugs,
Kind polite words of thanks
And intent to meet up soon again.
Saying goodbye is a never-ending process
In most Asian cultures.
Starting inside the house or venue
With generous words and gestures.
Often accompanied by little farewell tokens
A bit of food or dessert to take home.
Continuing out into the street
To the car and beyond.
Still another last thing to be said
And yet another till half an hour later
A firm goodbye and waving off of the guests.
Anglo-Saxons such as the Aussies and Brits
Are from a different tribe altogether.
Not for them the cheery kisses
And too-close body contact
Of the Latinos and Southern Europeans
Or the prolonged farewells of the Asians.
Private space and stiff upper lips need to be maintained.
A quick bye bye whether heard or unheard by the host
And untinged by soppy emotion will do.
Followed by a speedy and efficient disappearing act
That would put any self-respecting ghost to shame.